If you're working with files in a high-resolution format like HDV or uncompressed HD and want to export QuickTime reference movies to a fixed-resolution format like DV or IMX, here are some tips to help you maintain the correct aspect ratio to your exported movies.

Export a QuickTime reference movie

  1. Select File > Export > QuickTime Movie. An export window will open.

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

  2. De-select the Make Movie Self-Contained option.
  3. Select the Settings pop-up menu to select a format for the exported movie. To maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio when exporting to a fixed resolution format, you must use an anamorphic setting. If you want to export to DV, you'll see an existing preset:

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

  4. Press Save.

If you want to export to IMX then you should create a preset. QuickTime's export settings use the Sequence defaults.

Create an anamorphic IMX preset

  1. Choose Final Cut Pro > Audio/Video Settings:

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

    The Audio/Video Settings window will open:

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

  2. Click the Sequence Preset tab.
  3. Scroll down the list of presets and select one of the existing IMX settings.
  4. Click Duplicate.

    The Sequence Preset Editor will open:

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

  5. Enable Anamorphic 16:9.
  6. Select Name and give it a new name, such as “IMX NTSC (30 Mb/s) anamorphic”.

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

  7. Press OK.

    The new default is now available in the QuickTime export settings:

    Export QuickTime From HD To SD

    When you transfer reference movies exported with the anamorphic setting to Final Cut Pro, they will retain the correct aspect ratio.

Follow the same process to create anamorphic presets for any other fixed-resolution format you might want to export from high-resolution files.