Viz University: Viz Artist

Be sdesigner & operator virtual reality!

  • Real-time motion graphics
  • Virtual reality
  • Virtual studios
  • 3D animation

Viz University Viz Artist training: Viz University aims to help users use Vizrt's virtual and augmented reality solutions and tools in the most effective way:

  • With online courses, you will learn how to create amazing results
  • Top experts guide you through the first steps, introduce you to basic workflows and help you develop advanced skills
  • Tutorials also help experienced users quickly discover new features and functions

Vizrt Customers – Vizrt Customers

Vizrt customers have access to the entire catalog of Viz University courses. Discover Viz University now and explore what the latest educational courses have to offer.


Looking for Viz Artist training? Viz University offers top free online courses from experts. Learn everything you need online to become an expert Viz Designer.


Viz University offers the right training material to prepare for the exam and become a Vizrt Certified Professional.

Certified Professionals

Vizrt Univertity provides a "Certified Professional" certificate to those interested who will complete the relevant training. Certified Professionals are experienced users of Vizrt products. Sign up to receive an invitation to the certification process.

Viz University


Comart is the official representative of Vizrt for Greece and Cyprus. It has long experience and reference facilities in TV stations, specialty content channels and leading subscription platforms.

Call the Comart team at 210 3416200 for more details on powerful virtual and augmented reality tools of Vizrt.

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