Viz Mozart update 5.1
Vizrt: Switcher-less studio automation workflows. Vizrt has announced its release See Mozart 5.1. The latest update to the leading broadcast automation solution facilitates workflows through the new Engine Switcher. Relying on his strength Viz Engine, the most powerful and flexible broadcast graphics platform, Engine Switcher unlocks automated graphics content production and automatic scene-based switching without a dedicated switcher.
Through Engine Switcher, entire broadcasts can be designed as a graphics scene, including video switching, offering simplicity to the journalist, defining broadcast content in the synopsis with predefined scenes, while automating production with See Mozart.
Increase flexibility and quality, reducing costs
For decades, traditional video switchers have consumed significant resources such as power, space and specialized expertise.
Inspired by Vizrt's recent collaboration with German news network WELT, and their vision for modern television, Viz Mosart's Engine Switcher provides automated control of the switching function directly on the graphics stage.
Complete Software solution
Unlocks powerful and automated scene-based switching production workflows, providing unique switching flexibility not easily achieved with traditional video switchers, such as automatic SDI and SMPTE ST 2110 source switching, clip playback, transitions, DVEs and rendering of 3D graphics graphics in a complete software solution. NDI source switching will be supported in a future release.
Engine Switcher increases production accuracy and quality while reducing production chain complexity – keeping installation and operating costs under control, reducing environmental impact and maximizing the efficiency of production teams – without compromising on graphics quality, automation or in video flexibility.
HTTPS and FTPS security
In addition the release introduces HTTPS and FTPS security protocols to enhance Viz Mosart security, adds extra device control for routing, audio mixing and playback, as well as various bug fixes. For more information on Viz Mosart and the benefits of studio automation, go to
Comart is the official representative of Vizrt for Greece and Cyprus. It has long experience and reference facilities in TV stations, specialty content channels and leading subscription platforms.
Call the Comart team at 210 3416200 for more details on powerful virtual and augmented reality tools of Vizrt.